Something that we always get asked when we quote on new or refurbished medical and dental practice are ‘what is electrical body protection?’ and ‘do we need it?’
The quick answer is Yes, Definitely. Body protection is a requirement of the Standard AS/NZS 3003.2011 and therefore compulsory for any new medical or dental fitout.
Simply put, a body protected area means every power point is protected by a safety switch (imperative in any area where patients are being treated with equipment that is plugged in).
These particular safety switches are a lot more sensitive to earth leakage currents than those on a residential or office point therefore protecting you, your staff and your patients from any chance of an electrical shock while treatment is taking place.
Not only are new tenancies effected, if you have an older tenancy that is not body protected you can not have any new electrical works done without upgrading the entire tenancy. New electrical works can be something as simple as the addition of one new power point so be sure to ask whether body protection is included in any electrical quoting you receive to protect yourself from any unforeseen costs.